

Python 3 MIT License Code style Maintainability Documentation

The C O W

A wrapper-based framework for pymoo problem modification and algorithm benchmarking. Initially developed to test KNN-averaging1.


Simply run

pip install nmoo

Getting started

In a notebook

See example.ipynb for a quick example. Launch Google Colab

For larger benchmarks

For larger benchmarks, you may want to use nmoo's CLI. First, create a module, say example.py, containing your benchmark factory (a function that returns your benchrmark), say make_benchmark(). Then, run it using

python -m nmoo run --verbose 10 example:make_benchmark

Refer to

python -m nmoo --help

for more information.

Main submodules and classes



  • python3.8 or newer;
  • requirements.txt for runtime dependencies;
  • requirements.dev.txt for development dependencies (optional);
  • make (optional).

Simply run

virtualenv venv -p python3.8
. ./venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.dev.txt


Simply run

make docs

This will generate the HTML doc of the project, and the index file should be at docs/index.html. To have it directly in your browser, run

make docs-browser

Code quality

Don't forget to run


to format the code following black, typecheck it using mypy, and check it against coding standards using pylint.



New features

  • Seed rotations: Benchmark.__init__ now has a seeds argument which can receive a list of seeds. The first seed will be used for all random generators involved in the first run of every algorithm-problem pair, the second for all second runs, etc.
  • When constructing a WrappedProblem, the wrapped problem is now deepcopyied by default:

    zdt1 = ZDT1()
    noisy_problem = nmoo.GaussianNoise(zdt1, ...)
    # noisy_problem._problem is now a deep copy of zdt1
    zdt1 == noisy_problem._problem  # False
  • Essentially all the classes and methods of nmoo are exposed at the root level, e.g. nmoo.Benchmark instead of the old nmoo.benchmark.Benchmark. (the latter is still possible of course)

  • In simple use cases, gaussian noises can be specified more easily:

    # Assume that the F component is numerical and 2-dimensional.
    # Before (still possible)
    mean = np.array([0., 0.])
    cov = .1 * np.eye(2)
    noisy_problem = nmoo.GaussianNoise(problem, parameters={"F": (mean, cov)})
    # Now
    noisy_problem = nmoo.GaussianNoise(problem, mean, cov)
    # Since cov is constand diagonal, the following is also possible
    noisy_problem = nmoo.GaussianNoise(problem, mean, .1)
  • Added uniform noise wrapper, see nmoo.UniformNoise.

Breaking changes

  • Seeds can no longer be specified in algorithm description dicts (see Benchmark.__init__). Instead, use the seeds argument when constructing benchmarks (see above).
  • Class nmoo.benchmark.Pair has been replaced by nmoo.benchmark.PAPair, representing a problem-algorithm pair, and nmoo.benchmark.PARTriple, representing a problem-algorithm-(run number) triple. Method nmoo.Benchmark._all_pairs has been replaced by nmoo.Benchmark.all_pa_pairs and nmoo.Benchmark.all_par_triples.
  • Performance indicator files <problem_name>.<algorithm_name>.<n_run>.pi.csv are now split into <problem_name>.<algorithm_name>.<n_run>.pi-<pi_name>.csv, one for each performance indicator.
  • GaussianNoise.__init__: The old parameter dicts must bow be passed as a key-value argument:

    # Assume that the F component is numerical and 2-dimensional.
    # Old way, NO LONGER WORKS
    mean = np.array([0., 0.])
    cov = .1 * np.eye(2)
    noisy_problem = nmoo.GaussianNoise(problem, {"F": (mean, cov)})
    # New way
    noisy_problem = nmoo.GaussianNoise(problem, parameters={"F": (mean, cov)})
  • The awkwardly named nmoo.evaluators.evaluation_penalty_evaluator.EvaluationPenaltyEvaluator has been renamed to nmoo.evaluators.penalized_evaluator.PenalizedEvaluator.

  • PenalizedEvaluator.__init__: In the past, the only supported penalty type was "times" (meaning that the perceived number of evaluations was the actual number times a certain coefficient). Since this will not change in the forseeable future, the penalty_type argument has been removed.

    # Old way, NO LONGER WORKS
    evaluator = PenalizedEvaluator("times", 5)
    # New way
    evaluator = PenalizedEvaluator(5)

    Aditionally, the name of the argument is now multiplier (instead of the old coefficient).

    # Old keyval style, NO LONGER WORKS
    evaluator = PenalizedEvaluator(penalty_type="times", coefficient=5)
    # New keyval style
    evaluator = PenalizedEvaluator(multiplier=5)


Breaking changes

  • In the wrapped problem histories, the x field has been renamed to X. This implies that the x field in history dumps are now called X instead.
  • In argorithms descriptions, the save_history option is now ignored.
  • When constructing a benchmark, the default performance indicator list now consist of only igd (instead of gd, gd+, igd and igd+ previously).


Beaking changes

  • In the algorithm specification dictionaries of Benchmark.__init__, key minimize_kwargs is no longer considered. Instead, various other keys have been added. Refer to the documentation.


Breaking changes

  • GaussianNoise.__init__ now takes (a dict of) multivariate Gaussian noise parameters as arguments. Previously, it took (a dict of) tuples indicating the mean and standard deviation of a 1-dimensional Gaussian noise that would then be applied to all components independently. This old behaviour can be replicated by specifying a diagonal covariance matrix, e.g. the following are equivalent:
    # Assume that the F component is numerical and 2-dimensional.
    # Old way, NO LONGER WORKS
    noisy_problem = nmoo.GaussianNoise(problem, {"F": (0., 1.)})
    # New way
    mean = np.array([0., 0.])
    cov = np.array([
        [1., 0.],
        [0., 1.],
    ])  # Or more concisely, np.eye(2)
    noisy_problem = nmoo.GaussianNoise(problem, {"F": (mean, cov)})

  1. Klikovits, S., Arcaini, P. (2021). KNN-Averaging for Noisy Multi-objective Optimisation. In: Paiva, A.C.R., Cavalli, A.R., Ventura Martins, P., Pérez-Castillo, R. (eds) Quality of Information and Communications Technology. QUATIC 2021. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1439. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-85347-1_36 

 2.. include:: ../README.md
 3.. include:: ../CHANGELOG.md
 6from pkg_resources import DistributionNotFound, get_distribution
 8from .algorithms import ARNSGA2
 9from .benchmark import Benchmark
10from .callbacks import TimerCallback
11from .denoisers import GPSS, KNNAvg, ResampleAverage
12from .evaluators import PenalizedEvaluator
13from .noises import GaussianNoise, UniformNoise
14from .plotting import generate_delta_F_plots, plot_performance_indicators
15from .wrapped_problem import WrappedProblem
18    __version__ = get_distribution("nmoo").version
19except DistributionNotFound:
20    __version__ = "local"