
Base nmoo problem class. A WrappedProblem is simply a pymoo.core.problem.Problem that contains another problem (nmoo or pymoo) to which calls to _evaluate are deferred to. A WrappedProblem also have call history (although it is the responsability of the _evaluate implementation to populate it).

Since WrappedProblem directly inherits from pymoo.core.problem.Problem, wrapped problems can be used seemlessly with pymoo.

  2Base `nmoo` problem class. A `WrappedProblem` is simply a
  3[`pymoo.core.problem.Problem`](https://pymoo.org/problems/definition.html) that
  4contains another problem (`nmoo` or `pymoo`) to which calls to `_evaluate` are
  5deferred to. A `WrappedProblem` also have call history (although it is the
  6responsability of the `_evaluate` implementation to populate it).
  8Since `WrappedProblem` directly inherits from
 10wrapped problems can be used seemlessly with `pymoo`.
 12__docformat__ = "google"
 14from copy import deepcopy
 15from pathlib import Path
 16from typing import Any, Dict, List, Union
 18import numpy as np
 19from loguru import logger as logging
 20from pymoo.core.problem import Problem
 23class WrappedProblem(Problem):
 24    """
 25    A simple Pymoo `Problem` wrapper that keeps a history of all calls
 26    made to it.
 27    """
 29    _current_history_batch: int = 0
 30    """
 31    The number of batches added to history.
 32    """
 34    _current_run: int = 0
 35    """
 36    Current run number. See `nmoo.utils.WrappedProblem.start_new_run`.
 37    """
 39    _history: Dict[str, np.ndarray]
 40    """
 41    A history is a dictionary that maps string keys (e.g. `"X"`) to a numpy
 42    array of all values of that key (e.g. all values of `"X"`). All the numpy
 43    arrays should have the same length (0th shape component) but are not
 44    required to have the same type.
 46    If you subclass this class, don't forget to carefully document the meaning
 47    of the keys of what you're story in history.
 48    """
 50    _name: str
 51    """The name of this problem"""
 53    _problem: Problem
 54    """Wrapped pymoo problem (or `nmoo.wrapped_problem.WrappedProblem`)"""
 56    def __init__(
 57        self,
 58        problem: Problem,
 59        *,
 60        copy_problem: bool = True,
 61        name: str = "wrapped_problem",
 62    ):
 63        """
 64        Constructor.
 66        Args:
 67            copy_problem (bool): Wether to deepcopy the problem. If `problem`
 68                is a `WrappedProblem`, this is recommended to avoid history
 69                clashes. However, if whatever benchmark that uses this problem
 70                uses multiprocessing (as opposed to single or multithreading),
 71                this does not seem to be necessary.
 72            problem (pymoo `Problem`): A non-noisy pymoo problem (or
 73                `nmoo.wrapped_problem.WrappedProblem`).
 74            name (str): An optional name for this problem. This will be used
 75                when creating history dump files. Defaults to
 76                `wrapped_problem`.
 77        """
 78        super().__init__(
 79            n_var=problem.n_var,
 80            n_obj=problem.n_obj,
 81            n_constr=problem.n_constr,
 82            xl=problem.xl,
 83            xu=problem.xu,
 84            check_inconsistencies=problem.check_inconsistencies,
 85            replace_nan_values_by=problem.replace_nan_values_by,
 86            exclude_from_serialization=problem.exclude_from_serialization,
 87            callback=problem.callback,
 88        )
 89        self._history = {}
 90        self._name = name
 91        self._problem = deepcopy(problem) if copy_problem else problem
 93    def __str__(self):
 94        return self._name
 96    def add_to_history(self, **kwargs):
 97        """
 98        Adds records to the history. The provided keys should match that of the
 99        history (this is not checked at runtime for perfomance reasons). The
100        provided values should be numpy arrays that all have the same length
101        (0th shape component).
102        """
103        self._current_history_batch += 1
104        if not kwargs:
105            # No items to add
106            return
107        lengths = {k: v.shape[0] for k, v in kwargs.items()}
108        if len(set(lengths.values())) > 1:
109            logging.warning(
110                "[add_to_history] The lengths of the arrays don't match: {}",
111                str(lengths),
112            )
113        kwargs["_batch"] = np.full(
114            (max(lengths.values()),),
115            self._current_history_batch,
116        )
117        kwargs["_run"] = np.full(
118            (max(lengths.values()),),
119            self._current_run,
120        )
121        for k, v in kwargs.items():
122            if k not in self._history:
123                self._history[k] = v.copy()
124            else:
125                self._history[k] = np.append(
126                    self._history[k], v.copy(), axis=0
127                )
129    def add_to_history_x_out(self, x: np.ndarray, out: dict, **kwargs):
130        """
131        Convenience function to add the `_evaluate` method's `x` and `out` to
132        history, along with potentially other items. Note that the `x` argument
133        is stored under the `X` key to remain consistent with `pymoo`'s API.
134        """
135        self.add_to_history(
136            X=x,
137            **{k: v for k, v in out.items() if isinstance(v, np.ndarray)},
138            **kwargs,
139        )
141    def all_layers(self) -> List["WrappedProblem"]:
142        """
143        Returns a list of all the `nmoo.wrapped_problem.WrappedProblem` wrapped
144        within (including the current one). This list is ordered from the
145        outermost one (the current problem) to the innermost one.
146        """
147        return [self] + (
148            self._problem.all_layers()
149            if isinstance(self._problem, WrappedProblem)
150            else []
151        )
153    def depth(self) -> int:
154        """
155        Returns the number of `WrappedProblem` that separate this
156        `WrappedProblem` to the ground problem (see `ground_problem`). For
157        example:
159            x = WrappedProblem(
160                WrappedProblem(
161                    WrappedProblem(
162                        ZDT1(...)
163                    )
164                )
165            )
166            x.depth()  # Returns 3
168        """
169        if isinstance(self._problem, WrappedProblem):
170            return 1 + self._problem.depth()
171        return 1
173    def dump_all_histories(
174        self,
175        dir_path: Union[Path, str],
176        name: str,
177        compressed: bool = True,
178        _idx: int = 1,
179    ):
180        """
181        Dumps this problem's history, as well as all problems (more precisely,
182        instances of `nmoo.utils.WrappedProblem`) recursively wrapped within
183        it. This will result in one `.npz` for each problem involved.
185        Args:
186            dir_path (Union[Path, str]): Output directory.
187            name (str): The output files will be named according to the
188                following pattern: `<name>.<_idx>-<layer_name>.npz`, where
189                `_idx` is the "depth" of the corresponding problem (1 for the
190                outermost, 2 for the one wrapped within it, etc.), and
191                `layer_name` is the name of the current `WrappedProblem`
192                instance (see `WrappedProblem.__init__`).
193            compressed (bool): Wether to compress the archive (defaults to
194                `True`).
195            _idx (int): Don't touch that.
197        See also:
198            `nmoo.utils.WrappedProblem.dump_history`
199        """
200        self.dump_history(
201            Path(dir_path) / f"{name}.{_idx}-{self._name}.npz", compressed
202        )
203        if isinstance(self._problem, WrappedProblem):
204            self._problem.dump_all_histories(
205                dir_path, name, compressed, _idx + 1
206            )
208    def dump_history(self, path: Union[Path, str], compressed: bool = True):
209        """
210        Dumps the history into an NPZ archive.
212        Args:
213            path (Union[Path, str]): File path of the output archive.
214            compressed (bool): Wether to compress the archive (defaults to
215                `True`).
217        See also:
218            `numpy.load
219            <https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/generated/numpy.load.html>`_
221        """
222        saver = np.savez_compressed if compressed else np.savez
223        saver(path, **self._history)
225    def ground_problem(self) -> Problem:
226        """
227        Recursively goes down the problem wrappers until an actual
228        `pymoo.Problem` is found, and returns it.
229        """
230        return self.innermost_wrapper()._problem
232    def innermost_wrapper(self) -> "WrappedProblem":
233        """
234        Recursively goes down the problem wrappers until a `WrappedProblem`
235        that wraps an actual `pymoo.Problem` is found, and returns it (the
236        wrapper).
237        """
238        if isinstance(self._problem, WrappedProblem):
239            return self._problem.innermost_wrapper()
240        return self
242    def reseed(self, seed: Any) -> None:
243        """
244        Recursively resets the internal random state of the problem. See the
245        [numpy
246        documentation](https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/random/generator.html?highlight=default_rng#numpy.random.default_rng)
247        for details about acceptable seeds.
248        """
249        if isinstance(self._problem, WrappedProblem):
250            self._problem.reseed(seed)
252    def start_new_run(self):
253        """
254        In short, it rotates the history of the current problem, and all
255        problems wrapped within.
257        Every entry in the history is annotated with a run number. If this
258        problem is reused (e.g. during benchmarks), you can call this method to
259        increase the run number for all subsequent history entries.
260        Additionally, the `_current_history_batch` counter is reset to `0`.
262        If the wrapped problem is itself a `WrappedProblem`, then this method
263        is recursively called.
264        """
265        self._current_run += 1
266        self._current_history_batch = 0
267        if isinstance(self._problem, WrappedProblem):
268            self._problem.start_new_run()
270    def _evaluate(self, x, out, *args, **kwargs):
271        """
272        Calls the wrapped problems's `_evaluate` method and appends its input
273        (`x`) and output (`out`) to the history.
274        """
275        self._problem._evaluate(x, out, *args, **kwargs)
276        self.add_to_history_x_out(x, out)
class WrappedProblem(pymoo.core.problem.Problem):
 24class WrappedProblem(Problem):
 25    """
 26    A simple Pymoo `Problem` wrapper that keeps a history of all calls
 27    made to it.
 28    """
 30    _current_history_batch: int = 0
 31    """
 32    The number of batches added to history.
 33    """
 35    _current_run: int = 0
 36    """
 37    Current run number. See `nmoo.utils.WrappedProblem.start_new_run`.
 38    """
 40    _history: Dict[str, np.ndarray]
 41    """
 42    A history is a dictionary that maps string keys (e.g. `"X"`) to a numpy
 43    array of all values of that key (e.g. all values of `"X"`). All the numpy
 44    arrays should have the same length (0th shape component) but are not
 45    required to have the same type.
 47    If you subclass this class, don't forget to carefully document the meaning
 48    of the keys of what you're story in history.
 49    """
 51    _name: str
 52    """The name of this problem"""
 54    _problem: Problem
 55    """Wrapped pymoo problem (or `nmoo.wrapped_problem.WrappedProblem`)"""
 57    def __init__(
 58        self,
 59        problem: Problem,
 60        *,
 61        copy_problem: bool = True,
 62        name: str = "wrapped_problem",
 63    ):
 64        """
 65        Constructor.
 67        Args:
 68            copy_problem (bool): Wether to deepcopy the problem. If `problem`
 69                is a `WrappedProblem`, this is recommended to avoid history
 70                clashes. However, if whatever benchmark that uses this problem
 71                uses multiprocessing (as opposed to single or multithreading),
 72                this does not seem to be necessary.
 73            problem (pymoo `Problem`): A non-noisy pymoo problem (or
 74                `nmoo.wrapped_problem.WrappedProblem`).
 75            name (str): An optional name for this problem. This will be used
 76                when creating history dump files. Defaults to
 77                `wrapped_problem`.
 78        """
 79        super().__init__(
 80            n_var=problem.n_var,
 81            n_obj=problem.n_obj,
 82            n_constr=problem.n_constr,
 83            xl=problem.xl,
 84            xu=problem.xu,
 85            check_inconsistencies=problem.check_inconsistencies,
 86            replace_nan_values_by=problem.replace_nan_values_by,
 87            exclude_from_serialization=problem.exclude_from_serialization,
 88            callback=problem.callback,
 89        )
 90        self._history = {}
 91        self._name = name
 92        self._problem = deepcopy(problem) if copy_problem else problem
 94    def __str__(self):
 95        return self._name
 97    def add_to_history(self, **kwargs):
 98        """
 99        Adds records to the history. The provided keys should match that of the
100        history (this is not checked at runtime for perfomance reasons). The
101        provided values should be numpy arrays that all have the same length
102        (0th shape component).
103        """
104        self._current_history_batch += 1
105        if not kwargs:
106            # No items to add
107            return
108        lengths = {k: v.shape[0] for k, v in kwargs.items()}
109        if len(set(lengths.values())) > 1:
110            logging.warning(
111                "[add_to_history] The lengths of the arrays don't match: {}",
112                str(lengths),
113            )
114        kwargs["_batch"] = np.full(
115            (max(lengths.values()),),
116            self._current_history_batch,
117        )
118        kwargs["_run"] = np.full(
119            (max(lengths.values()),),
120            self._current_run,
121        )
122        for k, v in kwargs.items():
123            if k not in self._history:
124                self._history[k] = v.copy()
125            else:
126                self._history[k] = np.append(
127                    self._history[k], v.copy(), axis=0
128                )
130    def add_to_history_x_out(self, x: np.ndarray, out: dict, **kwargs):
131        """
132        Convenience function to add the `_evaluate` method's `x` and `out` to
133        history, along with potentially other items. Note that the `x` argument
134        is stored under the `X` key to remain consistent with `pymoo`'s API.
135        """
136        self.add_to_history(
137            X=x,
138            **{k: v for k, v in out.items() if isinstance(v, np.ndarray)},
139            **kwargs,
140        )
142    def all_layers(self) -> List["WrappedProblem"]:
143        """
144        Returns a list of all the `nmoo.wrapped_problem.WrappedProblem` wrapped
145        within (including the current one). This list is ordered from the
146        outermost one (the current problem) to the innermost one.
147        """
148        return [self] + (
149            self._problem.all_layers()
150            if isinstance(self._problem, WrappedProblem)
151            else []
152        )
154    def depth(self) -> int:
155        """
156        Returns the number of `WrappedProblem` that separate this
157        `WrappedProblem` to the ground problem (see `ground_problem`). For
158        example:
160            x = WrappedProblem(
161                WrappedProblem(
162                    WrappedProblem(
163                        ZDT1(...)
164                    )
165                )
166            )
167            x.depth()  # Returns 3
169        """
170        if isinstance(self._problem, WrappedProblem):
171            return 1 + self._problem.depth()
172        return 1
174    def dump_all_histories(
175        self,
176        dir_path: Union[Path, str],
177        name: str,
178        compressed: bool = True,
179        _idx: int = 1,
180    ):
181        """
182        Dumps this problem's history, as well as all problems (more precisely,
183        instances of `nmoo.utils.WrappedProblem`) recursively wrapped within
184        it. This will result in one `.npz` for each problem involved.
186        Args:
187            dir_path (Union[Path, str]): Output directory.
188            name (str): The output files will be named according to the
189                following pattern: `<name>.<_idx>-<layer_name>.npz`, where
190                `_idx` is the "depth" of the corresponding problem (1 for the
191                outermost, 2 for the one wrapped within it, etc.), and
192                `layer_name` is the name of the current `WrappedProblem`
193                instance (see `WrappedProblem.__init__`).
194            compressed (bool): Wether to compress the archive (defaults to
195                `True`).
196            _idx (int): Don't touch that.
198        See also:
199            `nmoo.utils.WrappedProblem.dump_history`
200        """
201        self.dump_history(
202            Path(dir_path) / f"{name}.{_idx}-{self._name}.npz", compressed
203        )
204        if isinstance(self._problem, WrappedProblem):
205            self._problem.dump_all_histories(
206                dir_path, name, compressed, _idx + 1
207            )
209    def dump_history(self, path: Union[Path, str], compressed: bool = True):
210        """
211        Dumps the history into an NPZ archive.
213        Args:
214            path (Union[Path, str]): File path of the output archive.
215            compressed (bool): Wether to compress the archive (defaults to
216                `True`).
218        See also:
219            `numpy.load
220            <https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/generated/numpy.load.html>`_
222        """
223        saver = np.savez_compressed if compressed else np.savez
224        saver(path, **self._history)
226    def ground_problem(self) -> Problem:
227        """
228        Recursively goes down the problem wrappers until an actual
229        `pymoo.Problem` is found, and returns it.
230        """
231        return self.innermost_wrapper()._problem
233    def innermost_wrapper(self) -> "WrappedProblem":
234        """
235        Recursively goes down the problem wrappers until a `WrappedProblem`
236        that wraps an actual `pymoo.Problem` is found, and returns it (the
237        wrapper).
238        """
239        if isinstance(self._problem, WrappedProblem):
240            return self._problem.innermost_wrapper()
241        return self
243    def reseed(self, seed: Any) -> None:
244        """
245        Recursively resets the internal random state of the problem. See the
246        [numpy
247        documentation](https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/random/generator.html?highlight=default_rng#numpy.random.default_rng)
248        for details about acceptable seeds.
249        """
250        if isinstance(self._problem, WrappedProblem):
251            self._problem.reseed(seed)
253    def start_new_run(self):
254        """
255        In short, it rotates the history of the current problem, and all
256        problems wrapped within.
258        Every entry in the history is annotated with a run number. If this
259        problem is reused (e.g. during benchmarks), you can call this method to
260        increase the run number for all subsequent history entries.
261        Additionally, the `_current_history_batch` counter is reset to `0`.
263        If the wrapped problem is itself a `WrappedProblem`, then this method
264        is recursively called.
265        """
266        self._current_run += 1
267        self._current_history_batch = 0
268        if isinstance(self._problem, WrappedProblem):
269            self._problem.start_new_run()
271    def _evaluate(self, x, out, *args, **kwargs):
272        """
273        Calls the wrapped problems's `_evaluate` method and appends its input
274        (`x`) and output (`out`) to the history.
275        """
276        self._problem._evaluate(x, out, *args, **kwargs)
277        self.add_to_history_x_out(x, out)

A simple Pymoo Problem wrapper that keeps a history of all calls made to it.

WrappedProblem( problem: pymoo.core.problem.Problem, *, copy_problem: bool = True, name: str = 'wrapped_problem')
57    def __init__(
58        self,
59        problem: Problem,
60        *,
61        copy_problem: bool = True,
62        name: str = "wrapped_problem",
63    ):
64        """
65        Constructor.
67        Args:
68            copy_problem (bool): Wether to deepcopy the problem. If `problem`
69                is a `WrappedProblem`, this is recommended to avoid history
70                clashes. However, if whatever benchmark that uses this problem
71                uses multiprocessing (as opposed to single or multithreading),
72                this does not seem to be necessary.
73            problem (pymoo `Problem`): A non-noisy pymoo problem (or
74                `nmoo.wrapped_problem.WrappedProblem`).
75            name (str): An optional name for this problem. This will be used
76                when creating history dump files. Defaults to
77                `wrapped_problem`.
78        """
79        super().__init__(
80            n_var=problem.n_var,
81            n_obj=problem.n_obj,
82            n_constr=problem.n_constr,
83            xl=problem.xl,
84            xu=problem.xu,
85            check_inconsistencies=problem.check_inconsistencies,
86            replace_nan_values_by=problem.replace_nan_values_by,
87            exclude_from_serialization=problem.exclude_from_serialization,
88            callback=problem.callback,
89        )
90        self._history = {}
91        self._name = name
92        self._problem = deepcopy(problem) if copy_problem else problem


  • copy_problem (bool): Wether to deepcopy the problem. If problem is a WrappedProblem, this is recommended to avoid history clashes. However, if whatever benchmark that uses this problem uses multiprocessing (as opposed to single or multithreading), this does not seem to be necessary.
  • problem (pymoo Problem): A non-noisy pymoo problem (or nmoo.wrapped_problem.WrappedProblem).
  • name (str): An optional name for this problem. This will be used when creating history dump files. Defaults to wrapped_problem.
def add_to_history(self, **kwargs):
 97    def add_to_history(self, **kwargs):
 98        """
 99        Adds records to the history. The provided keys should match that of the
100        history (this is not checked at runtime for perfomance reasons). The
101        provided values should be numpy arrays that all have the same length
102        (0th shape component).
103        """
104        self._current_history_batch += 1
105        if not kwargs:
106            # No items to add
107            return
108        lengths = {k: v.shape[0] for k, v in kwargs.items()}
109        if len(set(lengths.values())) > 1:
110            logging.warning(
111                "[add_to_history] The lengths of the arrays don't match: {}",
112                str(lengths),
113            )
114        kwargs["_batch"] = np.full(
115            (max(lengths.values()),),
116            self._current_history_batch,
117        )
118        kwargs["_run"] = np.full(
119            (max(lengths.values()),),
120            self._current_run,
121        )
122        for k, v in kwargs.items():
123            if k not in self._history:
124                self._history[k] = v.copy()
125            else:
126                self._history[k] = np.append(
127                    self._history[k], v.copy(), axis=0
128                )

Adds records to the history. The provided keys should match that of the history (this is not checked at runtime for perfomance reasons). The provided values should be numpy arrays that all have the same length (0th shape component).

def add_to_history_x_out(self, x: numpy.ndarray, out: dict, **kwargs):
130    def add_to_history_x_out(self, x: np.ndarray, out: dict, **kwargs):
131        """
132        Convenience function to add the `_evaluate` method's `x` and `out` to
133        history, along with potentially other items. Note that the `x` argument
134        is stored under the `X` key to remain consistent with `pymoo`'s API.
135        """
136        self.add_to_history(
137            X=x,
138            **{k: v for k, v in out.items() if isinstance(v, np.ndarray)},
139            **kwargs,
140        )

Convenience function to add the _evaluate method's x and out to history, along with potentially other items. Note that the x argument is stored under the X key to remain consistent with pymoo's API.

def all_layers(self) -> list[nmoo.wrapped_problem.WrappedProblem]:
142    def all_layers(self) -> List["WrappedProblem"]:
143        """
144        Returns a list of all the `nmoo.wrapped_problem.WrappedProblem` wrapped
145        within (including the current one). This list is ordered from the
146        outermost one (the current problem) to the innermost one.
147        """
148        return [self] + (
149            self._problem.all_layers()
150            if isinstance(self._problem, WrappedProblem)
151            else []
152        )

Returns a list of all the nmoo.wrapped_problem.WrappedProblem wrapped within (including the current one). This list is ordered from the outermost one (the current problem) to the innermost one.

def depth(self) -> int:
154    def depth(self) -> int:
155        """
156        Returns the number of `WrappedProblem` that separate this
157        `WrappedProblem` to the ground problem (see `ground_problem`). For
158        example:
160            x = WrappedProblem(
161                WrappedProblem(
162                    WrappedProblem(
163                        ZDT1(...)
164                    )
165                )
166            )
167            x.depth()  # Returns 3
169        """
170        if isinstance(self._problem, WrappedProblem):
171            return 1 + self._problem.depth()
172        return 1

Returns the number of WrappedProblem that separate this WrappedProblem to the ground problem (see ground_problem). For example:

x = WrappedProblem(
x.depth()  # Returns 3
def dump_all_histories( self, dir_path: Union[pathlib.Path, str], name: str, compressed: bool = True, _idx: int = 1):
174    def dump_all_histories(
175        self,
176        dir_path: Union[Path, str],
177        name: str,
178        compressed: bool = True,
179        _idx: int = 1,
180    ):
181        """
182        Dumps this problem's history, as well as all problems (more precisely,
183        instances of `nmoo.utils.WrappedProblem`) recursively wrapped within
184        it. This will result in one `.npz` for each problem involved.
186        Args:
187            dir_path (Union[Path, str]): Output directory.
188            name (str): The output files will be named according to the
189                following pattern: `<name>.<_idx>-<layer_name>.npz`, where
190                `_idx` is the "depth" of the corresponding problem (1 for the
191                outermost, 2 for the one wrapped within it, etc.), and
192                `layer_name` is the name of the current `WrappedProblem`
193                instance (see `WrappedProblem.__init__`).
194            compressed (bool): Wether to compress the archive (defaults to
195                `True`).
196            _idx (int): Don't touch that.
198        See also:
199            `nmoo.utils.WrappedProblem.dump_history`
200        """
201        self.dump_history(
202            Path(dir_path) / f"{name}.{_idx}-{self._name}.npz", compressed
203        )
204        if isinstance(self._problem, WrappedProblem):
205            self._problem.dump_all_histories(
206                dir_path, name, compressed, _idx + 1
207            )

Dumps this problem's history, as well as all problems (more precisely, instances of nmoo.utils.WrappedProblem) recursively wrapped within it. This will result in one .npz for each problem involved.

  • dir_path (Union[Path, str]): Output directory.
  • name (str): The output files will be named according to the following pattern: <name>.<_idx>-<layer_name>.npz, where _idx is the "depth" of the corresponding problem (1 for the outermost, 2 for the one wrapped within it, etc.), and layer_name is the name of the current WrappedProblem instance (see WrappedProblem.__init__).
  • compressed (bool): Wether to compress the archive (defaults to True).
  • _idx (int): Don't touch that.
See also:


def dump_history(self, path: Union[pathlib.Path, str], compressed: bool = True):
209    def dump_history(self, path: Union[Path, str], compressed: bool = True):
210        """
211        Dumps the history into an NPZ archive.
213        Args:
214            path (Union[Path, str]): File path of the output archive.
215            compressed (bool): Wether to compress the archive (defaults to
216                `True`).
218        See also:
219            `numpy.load
220            <https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/generated/numpy.load.html>`_
222        """
223        saver = np.savez_compressed if compressed else np.savez
224        saver(path, **self._history)

Dumps the history into an NPZ archive.

  • path (Union[Path, str]): File path of the output archive.
  • compressed (bool): Wether to compress the archive (defaults to True).
See also:


def ground_problem(self) -> pymoo.core.problem.Problem:
226    def ground_problem(self) -> Problem:
227        """
228        Recursively goes down the problem wrappers until an actual
229        `pymoo.Problem` is found, and returns it.
230        """
231        return self.innermost_wrapper()._problem

Recursively goes down the problem wrappers until an actual pymoo.Problem is found, and returns it.

def innermost_wrapper(self) -> nmoo.wrapped_problem.WrappedProblem:
233    def innermost_wrapper(self) -> "WrappedProblem":
234        """
235        Recursively goes down the problem wrappers until a `WrappedProblem`
236        that wraps an actual `pymoo.Problem` is found, and returns it (the
237        wrapper).
238        """
239        if isinstance(self._problem, WrappedProblem):
240            return self._problem.innermost_wrapper()
241        return self

Recursively goes down the problem wrappers until a WrappedProblem that wraps an actual pymoo.Problem is found, and returns it (the wrapper).

def reseed(self, seed: Any) -> None:
243    def reseed(self, seed: Any) -> None:
244        """
245        Recursively resets the internal random state of the problem. See the
246        [numpy
247        documentation](https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/random/generator.html?highlight=default_rng#numpy.random.default_rng)
248        for details about acceptable seeds.
249        """
250        if isinstance(self._problem, WrappedProblem):
251            self._problem.reseed(seed)

Recursively resets the internal random state of the problem. See the numpy documentation for details about acceptable seeds.

def start_new_run(self):
253    def start_new_run(self):
254        """
255        In short, it rotates the history of the current problem, and all
256        problems wrapped within.
258        Every entry in the history is annotated with a run number. If this
259        problem is reused (e.g. during benchmarks), you can call this method to
260        increase the run number for all subsequent history entries.
261        Additionally, the `_current_history_batch` counter is reset to `0`.
263        If the wrapped problem is itself a `WrappedProblem`, then this method
264        is recursively called.
265        """
266        self._current_run += 1
267        self._current_history_batch = 0
268        if isinstance(self._problem, WrappedProblem):
269            self._problem.start_new_run()

In short, it rotates the history of the current problem, and all problems wrapped within.

Every entry in the history is annotated with a run number. If this problem is reused (e.g. during benchmarks), you can call this method to increase the run number for all subsequent history entries. Additionally, the _current_history_batch counter is reset to 0.

If the wrapped problem is itself a WrappedProblem, then this method is recursively called.

Inherited Members